Tuesday, January 18, 2011

30 X 30 CHALLENGE!!!!

Anyone and everyone who knows me knows that I love cooking and I adore fashion. As I've gotten older my tastes have absolutely evolved and I've begun to really develop my "look," so to speak. That being said, I possess a closet full of items I sometimes never wear.

Inspired (and urgently nudged) by my friend Meryn, I am taking the infamous 30 x 30 challenge.

The Challenge: to create 30 unique outfits using only 30 pre-chosen items from my closet for 30 days. Ironically this is to be done in the month of February, so we'll see how that goes...

The Rules: 
1. Pick 30 items from my closet to use to create 30 unique outfits. Shoes are included (Clue #1 this may be a bit difficult) but jewelry and accessories are not. 

2. Remix the items into 30 different and unique outfits. 

3. Don't shop for the entire 30 days. (Clue #2 this may be a bit difficult.)

4. Document with photos every day's outfit. (I added this rule myself since my blog is not entirely devoted to fashion).

This all starts February 1, 2010. Oh snap!

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