Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Yep, I'm giving in and doing one of these "What I'm Loving Wednesday" posts.

1. Tonight my boyfriend and I went to the Bar Jam at Awendaw Green to see our friend, George, play. He was great-- as much as he doesn't like to hear it he really does sound like John Mayer! I suggest anyone in the Charleston, S.C. take a trip to this fantastic, laid-back and nostalgic venue for a visit. As soon as I sat down, I realized how perfect a sweet iced tea would be sitting beneath the old oaks listening to the singers and songwriters soundtrack the twilight. The boyfriend left "to use the restroom" but came back instead with two of my favorite things: peanut M&Ms and, yes, a sweet iced tea. 

2. I had Kraft macaroni and cheese for dinner. It was a throwback to my college days and, man, was it gooooooood.

3. I wish you all could have seen the face my boyfriend made when he saw that I was reading the following article. (FYI: It's not what you think.)

That's all for tonight, folks! What are you loving this Wednesday?

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