Thursday, December 22, 2011

Last Minute Holiday Gifts! Go Risky!

While Santa’s undoubtedly made his list and probably checked it more than twice, there are still quite a few of us (myself included) that haven’t quite finished their Christmas shopping.

In fairness, Christmas shopping for Santa is easy. First of all, there’s no shopping involved; his team of elves have been hard at work making gifts for his long list of recipients since last year. Speaking of recipients, though is list is much longer than yours or mine, Santa only gives gifts to children-- and only nice Christian ones at that. 

For us mere mortals who are without the aid of elves, magic, or reindeer, picking the right gift can be frustrating. Whether you’re searching for a fun gift or a useful present I’ve created a list (and a set of guidelines) for the last-minute gift-giver like me.

Take a Risk (Because By Shopping At the Last Minute You’re Not Doing That Enough Already)

One year my friend, Jessica, got me two CDs for Christmas: Santigold’s “Santigold” and Moby’s “Last Night”. She hopped off the plane and handed them to me, unwrapped. I still have them, still listen to them, and still love them. At the time, I’d never heard of Santigold and Moby wasn’t part of my iTunes library. Had she never gifted them to me, my life would be without Santigold’s “Starstruck” and Moby’s “Ooh Yeah”-- just two of my all time favorites.

Of course, Jessica ran the risk of my absolutely hating both CDs. Santigold and Moby aren’t exactly everyone’s taste in music. When it comes to giving gifts to others, taking a risk can have a big payoff-- especially from an economic standpoint. We stand to lose between 10 percent and one-third of the value of the gifts we give (i.e. a $100  gift becomes a $90 to roughly $66 one). This is because everyone wants something different and we all value things differently, too. As such, you might as well take a risk with your gift-giving this year (and take back that sweater).

“Ceremonials” by Florence and the Machine - To my surprise, not everyone has heard the haunting vocals and of Florence Welch. To my astonishment, not everyone likes Florence and the Machine! Though her first album, “Lungs” remains an often played favorite of mine, “Ceremonials” is worth gifting-- and even buying a hard copy for yourself.

Culinary French Herb Kit- If someone on your list has even the slightest interest in cooking this is a fantastic and economical gift choice! Buying herbs at the grocery store is expensive! This kit, however, is so inexpensive ($29) that you might as well dig (get it?) into your pockets for the Italian Herb Kit, too.

Whiskey Stones - Admittedly, I’m not a big brown liquor fan-- but there are occasions for which the only appropriate cocktail is something to be sipped and savored. Whiskey stones, made of soapstone so they won’t scratch your fine glasses, chill your libation without watering it down. Perfect accompaniment to a stocking stuffer of Dewars or Oban.

Cast Iron Garlic Roaster-- This is a risky gift for two reasons. The first is that your recipient may never use it. The second is that they’ll use it frequently and you’ll be greeted with their roasted garlic breath thank-you’s enough to make you wish you’d never purchased it. For $15, it’s worth the gamble.

The Hungoevr Coobkook by Milton Crawford-- Not a risky gift for your college-aged cousin, sister or other relative. Very risky gift for your closeted alcoholic aunt or uncle-- then again, they may appreciate the book’s questionnaire’s to assess which recipe will assuage hangover symptoms the fastest. How thoughtful of you. Coincidentally, also a perfect accompaniment to a stocker stuffer of Dewars or Oban.

Go For the Experience, Instead of the Wow Factor

Cooking Classes- It’s a proven fact that experiential gifts make people happier in the long run. Sure, they lack the same unwrapping effect as a tangible gift on Christmas morning, but in the end your recipient will be the happier, and more grateful for it-- especially if they got to eat something delicious at the end!

Concert Tickets-- Though they can be a bit expensive, live music is one of life’s great many pleasures. There’s nothing quite like watching, feeling and hearing one of your favorite songs created right there, and almost specifically, for you. While you’re at it, get a ticket for yourself-- a gift for you and someone else! 

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