Thursday, August 12, 2010

Torchbearer For Manners

Is it just me or has this recession given the general public an excuse for plummeting further into a manner-less abyss? I understand you may have lost almost everything, or everything for that matter, as a result of this Great Recession. I understand that you're afraid and concerned as to the financial stability of your present and future. However treating people like garbage is not an acceptable counteraction. When most animals (including humans) are afraid or feel threatened they most often retaliate in an aggressive fashion. What separates us from most animals? Hopefully our humanity. 

I will forever be a torchbearer for manners. I believe you should hold the door open if someone is entering soon after you. I believe you should say 'please', 'thank you', 'yes ma'am','no sir', and 'yes' instead of 'yeah'. If you are a male you should always open the door for a lady. Feminism is not about social courtesies, it is about equality. Men should stand when a lady leaves the table, particularly in formal situations. If someone who is of an age older than you in a public place, you will stand and offer them your seat. In a world where economic uncertainty abounds, people are unbelievably rude, and social problems abound manners are the true socioeconomic equalizer. 

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